Other County Histories | Civil War | 1913 Vol. 1 | 1913 Vol. 2 | 1916 | Depression | | |||
History of Livingston County from The History of Caldwell and Livingston Counties, Missouri. 1886 |
Position and General Description -
Economic Geology -
Grand River -
First Settlers -
Original Land Entries Prior to 1840 -
Organization -
Items -
The Town of Utica - Complete Historical Sketch of the Town, with Notes of Its Leading Institutions, Churches, Lodges, Schools, Newspapers, etc. -
Biographies of Some of the Old Settlers and Leading Citizens.
Greene township comprises that portion of Congressional township 57, range
24, lying between Shoal creek and Grand river (including the West fork of the
latter), and that portion of the east line of sections in township 57, range 25,
lying south of the West fork. The area of the township is about 24,000 acres.
Only about half the township is tillable land. The vast broad bottoms of
Grand river and Shoal creek comprise a considerable portion, and the bluffs and
hills on the West fork, in the northeastern part of the township, interfere with
the cultivation of that part. South and southwest of Utica is some excellent
prairie lands, high and rolling.
The valuable character of Livingston county soil and its adaptability for
fruit culture is exemplified in this township. Some of the largest and best
orchards in Missouri are here. In 1883 Thos. B. Stone sold from his orchard of
30 acres, south of Utica, 2,200 barrels of apples, at $2 per barrel. Last fall,
owing to the unfavorable season, only 1,200 barrels were sold. Mr. Stone has
about 2,000 apple trees, chiefly of the Ben Davis, Willow Twig, Wine Sap and
Genitan varieties. Stone & Harper's well known fruit farm, a mile
northwest of Utica, is one of the best in the country.
A superior quality of brick clay is found in every section. Abundant
limestone exists in the hills and highlands in the western part of the township.
Along the bluffs on West Grand river are exposures of good building sandstone.
The latter is of the variety known to geologists as ferruginous sandstone. When
first taken out it is quite soft and easily worked, but soon hardens on exposure
and is very durable. In buildings where it has been for 80 years, it is still
firm and substantial. It ought to be more generally utilized.
The limestone comes well up to the surface in the western part of the
township. West or southwest of Utica the railroad passes through a deep cut the
walls of which are of stone; the surface is prairie. In but few portions of the
State is the limestone to be found at so slight a depth on high prairie land.
There are traces of coal and a few shallow veins, but no workable beds. In
former times some of these veins were opened, but soon abandoned. (See Chapter
I.) Some years since Mr. Wm. M. Rush made an exploration for coal on the south
side at the West Grand river, near the mill at Utica. He first dug a shaft and
then bored. At a depth of 200 feet the work was stopped, no coal in paying
quantities having been found.
Whether or not the large expanse of land in this township lying in the Grand
river bottom will ever be reclaimed from its present swampy, marshy character,
and freed from all exposure and subjection to overflow, time will determine.
This can be accomplished only by "straightening" Grand river, changing
its current by jetties and canals, and deepening and widening its channel, so
that it may contain and carry off the volume of water it receives. At present,
and for all time past, the stream has not been large enough and swift enough to
convey the water; and nearly every year it overflows, sometimes for a mile and
more on either side. These inundations of course cause the swampy condition of
the bottom lands.
By cutting across some of the many sharp but extensive bends of the river its
length would be greatly shortened, and the velocity of the current
proportionately increased. Then by putting in jetties, and in some places
rip-raps, the stream would gradually widen and deepen its own channel, and it is
possible that in time it would be capable of taking care of the water that it
receives without flooding the county. By whom this work should be done is not
clear. The citizens and owners of the land have not the means, the State has not
the authority, and the General Government no disposition to appropriate money
for the reclamation of swamps and overflowed land. Congress has the power to
improve navigable streams, and if in this improvement certain lands are
benefited it is well. But Grand river is not a navigable stream, properly
speaking. If Congress should undertake that it would hold all the water poured
into it during the rainy seasons, it would also be compelled to devise a plan
whereby the volume should respond to the demands of navigation, and in the dry
seasons pour water into the stream. Sometimes there is too much water in the
stream, but often there is too little; sometimes Grand river has plenty of water
to spare, but at other times it hasn't enough to float a skiff.
Again, the river is obstructed by the Wabash Railroad bridge at Brunswick,
which seems to give color to the idea that it is not a navigable stream in a
legal sense, and if this is true then no help may be expected from the General
Government. The writer is compelled to admit his ignorance on the subject, but
it is probable that the river has been at some time declared a non-navigable
stream, and that no assistance for its improvement may be looked for from the
Federal treasury. No survey or examination of the stream by competent engineers
has ever been made, and it may be that the scheme is impracticable.
The first white settlement in Livingston county was made in the western part of this township, about a mile and a half west of the railroad depot, at Utica. Mr. Samuel E. Todd was the settler, and the date of his coming was the spring of 1831. His location was on the nw. 1/4 of section 24, township 57, range 25. In 1833 or 1834 Mr. Todd put up a horse mill, and in 1836 built a water mill on West Grand river at Utica. The later was a "corn-cracker," and in a year or so a sawing attachment was put in. The first boards in the county were sawed at this mill.
Other early settlers in the township were Joseph Todd, William Todd, Roderick
Matson, William Mead, John Stone, George Stone, John Austin, John Rockhold,
Alfred Rockhold. The majority of the settlers in the township prior to 1840,
except a few men living in Utica, were those named in the list of first land
From official records it is learned that the first entries in Greene township
were made on the tracts and at the dates mentioned below. All of the parties
named were actual residents of the township or vicinity: -
Name. | Description. | Date. |
Samuel E. Todd | e. ½ nw. and e. ½ sw. sec. 24 | June 8, 1835 |
John Stone | se. se. sec. 12 and ne. ¼ and ne. se. sec. 13 | June 14, 1837 |
John Rockhold | s. ½ sw. sec. 13 | June 29, 1835 |
Alfred Rockhold | n. ½ sw. sec. 13 | May 27, 1837 |
Samuel E. Todd | sw. se. sec. 13 and sw. ne. sec. 24 | Dec. 28, 1835 |
James Todd | se. se. sec. 13 | Sept. 6, 1836 |
Reuben McCoskrie | w. ½ nw. sec. 24 | June 18, 1835 |
John Kelly | nw. ne. sec. 24 | Aug. 27, 1836 |
W. T. Todd | e. ½ ne. sec. 24 | Oct. 9, 1835 |
Name. | Description. | Date. |
Wm. Pailthrop | sw. sec. 13 | July 14, 1838 |
Roderick Matson | se. nw. sec. 17 | Nov. 3, 1836 |
Matson & Van Zandt | w. ½ sw. and w. ½ se. sec. 17 | Oct. 6, 1836 |
Sam'l E. Todd | se. ne. sec. 18 | July 25, 1835 |
Sam'l E. Todd | w. ½ ne. sec. 18 | June 6, 1837 |
John Stone | w. ½ and w. ½ se. sec. 18 | Feb. 7, 1837 |
Reuben McCoskrie | e. ½ se. sec. 18 | Nov. 10, 1836 |
Joseph Todd | nw. nw. sec. 19 | Dec. 30, 1836 |
Wm. T. Todd | sw. nw. sec. 19 | Oct. 9, 1835 |
James Todd | nw. sw. sec. 19 | Aug. 30, 1836 |
Robt. Snowden | ne. sw. sec. 19 | Nov. 23, 1836 |
Matson, Mead & Van Zandt | se. ne. sec. 19 | Nov. 23; 1836 |
David Girdner | ne. ne. sec. 19 | Nov. 16, 1835 |
Joseph Y. Todd | n. ½ sw. sec. 20 | Sept. 17, 1836 |
Madison Fisk | ne. ¼ sec. 23 | Sept. 3, 1839 |
Wm. McCarty | w. ½ ne. sec. 30 | June 5, 1837 |
Reub. McCoskrie | w. ½ se. sec. 30 | Feb. 28, 1838 |
Originally, upon the organization of the county, the entire southwestern
portion was embraced within what was called Shoal Creek township, which
comprised what are now the townships of Greene, Mooresville, Monroe and Mound.
The first election in Shoal Creek township was held at John S. Tomblin's. In
February, 1839, the name of the township was changed to Monroe, in honor of
President James Monroe, and in April following it was divided by a line running
east and west, commencing on the county line between sections 30 and 31 in
township 57, range 25, and running thence to Grand river. The southern portion
retained the name of Monroe; the northern was called Greene, "in
honor," says the record, in the handwriting of Wm. E. Pearl, who spelled as
he pronounced," of Jineral Green of the Revolution War." The name is
commonly written as Mr. Pearl wrote it; but as "Jineral" Nathaniel
Greene always spelled his name with a final e, so Greene township should be
written. There can be no question as to the propriety of the latter spelling.
Settlers came in rather rapidly to Greene township. Utica was laid out in the
spring of 1837. Todd's mill was in operation at the same time, and the locality
was considered a favored one. The land did not come into market until 1835, when
the first entries were made, but there was quite a population, all circumstances
considered, before that time.
At the time of the Mormon War, in the fall of 1838, one company of militia
from the township, under Capt. Roderick Watson,- about fifty men - turned out,
but took no further part than to assemble at Isaac McCoskrie's, about three
miles south of Mooresville, and hold themselves in readiness for an emergency. A
day or two after the massacre at Haun's Mill Capt. Matson sent John Stone and
nine men of his company to meet Gen. Atchison's army, to report the situation
here and receive orders. The detail returned without instructions.
The land on which the town of Utica stands was entered by Matson and Van
Zandt in October, 1836; but to Roderick Matson is justly given the
distinction of founder of the town. In the spring of that year he came to this
county from Utica, N. Y. At first he opened a small store at McCoskrie's, two
miles west, but in the fall of 1836, or early in the following spring, he came
to the town site and occupied a small building which stood on the west side of
Fellows street, probably on block 73. One statement is to the effect that John
Austin built this house.
In April, 1837, the original town was laid off, and on the 27th of that month
the plat was filed for record in Chillicothe. It was named by Mr. Matson for his
old home in New York. In the fall of 1837 Henry Stover put up a little frame
store-house north of where the public school building now is, and this building
was occupied at first and for a short time by a man named Taylor, who kept a
small store. The boards of which this house was built were partly rived or split
by hand, and the "finishing lumber," such as it was, was sawed at
Todd's mill. In the spring of 1839 Martin & Harper opened a store in the
Taylor building. This was quite a respectable establishment, and the proprietors
continued in business a number of years.
In the summer of 1838 Mr. John Stone built a small frame dwelling-house near
a spring just north of his present residence (the Rogers House) near the
railroad depot. Although this house was outside of the original town, yet it
was practically a part thereof, and was the third or fourth house in the
immediate vicinity. The site is now within Stone's Railroad Addition, but both
house and spring have long since disappeared.
Utica settled up slowly, but many of its citizens were from the Northern and
Eastern States, and were people of intelligence, industry and enterprise. Some
of the best people of Kentucky and other Southern States also came in, and no
more intelligent, reputable community existed in North Missouri. The progress of
the town, as that of the county, was slow, until the projection of the Hannibal
and St. Joseph Railroad and the location of Utica as a point thereon.
From 1858 to 1861 there was a "boom" in the place. Business
enterprises flourished, and the citizens began the erection for themselves of
those fine, capacious and tasteful residences, which yet exist - although with
their former beauty and general excellence much impaired. These were the abodes
of comfort, culture and refinement. The society was of the best, and the
advantages of the town were most excellent. Upon the completion of the railroad,
in February, 1859, the tide of prosperity swelled. Utica became a shipping point
for a large area of country. From Carrollton and other towns in Carroll and Ray
shippers came with their stock and grain, and merchants for their goods, and a
large trade was drawn from the country to the northward.
The first railroad depot was built a mile west of town. John Stone had given
the railroad company forty acres of land in that locality, and the corporation
placed the depot where it would "do the most good"- for the company!
The citizens were greatly displeased. They first remonstrated, then became
indignant, and, at last, denunciatory and violent. They fell to
"soaping" the track, and at last one night the depot was burned. Then
the location was changed to the present locality, which, though better than the
first, was still protested against, and is yet considered illy placed and
When the war came on it found the people nearly equally divided in sentiment,
half for the old Union and half for secession. Two companies were formed, one
Union and one secession. The latter had for a leader Capt. Charles Cooper. The
drillmaster of the former was W. P. Frazer, commonly called Paley Frazer. In
1863 this man was assassinated near the bridge, as detailed elsewhere, by some
militia who considered him a rebel! Hon. A. J. Austin, the county's
Representative in the Legislature, owned a farm in the country and had a
store in town. He was the leading spirit among the secessionists, raised a
secession flag above his store, entered Gov. Jackson's army as
lieutenant-colonel and fell at Wilson's Creek. Capt. John N. Stone, an Ohioan,
entered the Secession army, and was killed at Carthage, the first officer of
that army killed in battle in Missouri.
Secession flags were early raised in Utica. In the summer of 1861 the stars
and stripes were waving over the store of Wm. E. Mead. His cousin took down the flag, saying
it was "not the right kind." The next morning a "rebel" flag
was floating where the Union flag had been. This cousin who "hauled down
the American flag" was the next year a prominent officer in the Federal
On the morning of the 14th of June, 1861, the first Federal troops, the 16th
Illinois, appeared and seized the town, making prisoners of two or three
citizens, and fugitives of others, and bearing away two Secession flags as rare
trophies. In September, when Gen. Sturgis disembarked from the train here, on
his way to the relief of Mulligan at Lexington, as mentioned elsewhere, he
pressed a sufficient number of wagons and teams to transport his baggage. In
most instances, however, the owners were quite willing to render this service,
many of them being Union men. Gen. Sturgis repressed all disorder among his men.
Some of them robbed Capt. Cooper's bee hives, and the General had every honey
forager put under guard.
In the spring and summer of 1862 the block house at the Grand river railroad
bridge was built. Jacob Wells, of Utica, finished the structure. He also
assisted in building the block house at Medicine creek.
At the time of Poindexter's raid there was great excitement. The militia were
summoned to Chillicothe and the town was unguarded. The raiders came through the
town on their way to Spring Hill, but made scarcely a halt and molested nothing
and nobody. A few provisions were purchased and paid for. They seemed in ill
condition, jaded, weary, hungry, sleepy and dispirited. Some had lost their
horses, or never had any, and were on foot. Others were riding, "two on a
Half a mile in the rear of Poindexter's column came one of his men, a boy of
17 or 18, struggling hard to overtake his command. An inhuman Federal
sympathizer, a railroad man named Smith, shot the young man down when he could
as easily have captured him. The ball went through one of the boy's lungs and
made a very serious wound; but Dr. Gibson took him in charge and nursed him
until his almost complete recovery, when his father came for him and took him to
his home, somewhere in Linn or Chariton. While the young man was being cared for
he was not molested by the militia.
The town suffered a great deal from the war. Business was generally
prostrated. The merchants feared to carry considerable stocks of goods, lest
they might be "raided," and on one occasion Harper's store was
plundered by some Federal jayhawkers. There were many annoyances incident to a
state of war, but no considerable outrages save those mentioned.
After the war there was considerable improvement in the condition of affairs
for some years. In 1867 the fine public school building was erected, in which
enterprise, by a piece of sharp practice, the town "got ahead" of the
county and got the building for almost nothing. In 1871 the project of building
the Utica and Lexington Railroad was much discussed. In May the county voted to
subscribe $200,000 to the stock of the road, but it was never completed, and the
town was compelled to relinquish the idea of becoming a railroad center and
obliged to content itself with its former and present condition - a way station
on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad.
Since 1873 the history of Utica has been uneventful, comparatively. Its
prosperity has not been increased, but has rather been on the wane. The value of
property had depreciated, until some of the fine commodious residences of former
days can be purchased for about one-fourth of their original cost. Yet, although
the town shows evidence of dilapidation and depreciation, it is not in a state
of utter prostration, but is a good trading point and the abiding place of a
community of intelligent and fairly thrifty people.
In 1880 the population was 660. There were five churches - Baptist,
Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal and Catholic; two lodges, Masonic and
United Workmen; a newspaper, the Utica Herald; a $5,000 school-house, a
good water flouring mill, seven stores, a number of shops, four attorneys and
two physicians.
Utica M. E. Church. - The Utica M. E. Church, a frame building, was
erected in 1877, and cost about $1,000. In 1868 the church was organized, some
of the members being Andrew Block and wife, John Law and wife, Orville Wilcox
and wife, Lewis Crain and wife; William Heywood and wife and J. M. Davis and
wife. The pastors and their years of service are as follows: Rev. Mosher,
1868-69; Rev. Hatfield, 1869 - 71; Rev. Fowler, 1871; Rev. Bassett, 1872-74;
Rev. William Edmunds, 1874 - 76; Rev. George Stockings, 1876 - 77; Rev. C. T.
Phillips, 1877 - 79; Rev. T. P. Hole, 1879 - 82; Rev. Bratton, 1882-83; Rev.
Barwick, 1883 - 85; Rev. Powell, 1885 - 86. The number of Sabbath-school
scholars as 60, the superintendent being W. T. Davis.
The Second Advent. - The organization of this church was effected in
the year 1878, William C. Griffith, C. W. Middleton, N. Tarpley, William Lemmon,
T. M. Clark and wife, Maggie Middleton, A. B. Miller and wife, and two or three
others, being the original members. The first pastor was elder C. H. Chaffe; C.
W. Middleton has also been elder. The present elder is C. J. DeSha. T. M. Clarke
is the present deacon. The Sabbath school superintendent is William C. Griffith.
Masonic Lodge.- Benevolent Lodge, A. F. and A. M., was instituted July
19, 1856. The charter was not granted until May 30, 1857. The charter members
and first officers were J. S. Harper, W. M.; A. J. Austin, S. W.; William Hixon,
J. W.; D. K. Stockton, treasurer; J. W. Ringo, secretary; John Lowe and J. L.
Austin, deacons; W. W. Long, tyler. The past masters have been J. S. Harper,
William Hixon, A. J. Austin, John Lowe, C. Fink, David Stone, Henry C. Cox, A.
A. Stone and George Culling. The present membership is 31.
The Utica Herald was established in 1873 by a stock company composed of some
of the citizens, and Charles Hoyt was the first lessee and editor. In 1874 Hoyt
withdrew in favor of Prof. H. W. Sawyer, now of Hamburg, Iowa. The following
year Prof. Sawyer was succeeded by Frank Green, who was succeeded in 1876
by R. Risley, who transferred his position to E. D. Green, and that gentleman,
after an experience of one week, stopped the publication of the paper
entirely. In January, 1877, the office material was purchased by D. W. Webster,
who resumed the publication of the journal, and still presides over its columns,
very successfully and acceptably. In 1878 his son, Harry C. Webster, now of the
Chillicothe Crisis, was part proprietor. The Herald is a
creditable little journal, and the fact of its existence for so long a period,
comparative, is evidence of the efficiency of its management and of its
Mr. Bonderer is also numbered among the foreign-born residents of Livingston
county, his birth having occurred in St. Gallen Canton, Switzerland, September
9, 1827. His parents, Johan Peter and Catherine (Probst) Bonderer, were natives
of that same Canton and they are both now deceased. The father was a farmer and
miller by calling and died in 1875, aged about 81 years; the mother was 44 years
old at the time of her death in 1844. Their union was a fruitful one, 15
children being born to them, of whom Joseph was the fourth, or, at least, the
fourth of those that grew to maturity. When he was a youth the system of
compulsory education had not been adopted in Switzerland, but still excellent
schools were to be found there and these young Bonderer attended. After
discontinuing his studies he worked on the farm and in the mills of his father
until 1855, in which year he left his native country for America, landing at New
Orleans in May. Coming up the Mississippi river to St. Louis he went from there
to Belleville, Ill., and began work on a farm at $6.75 per month. Six months
later he returned to St. Louis, and after about a month ascended the Missouri
river to Brunswick, from which place he went by wagon to Utica. Here he settled
and began the business of burning lime, making brick and contracting rock work
until 1860. In 1862 he entered the E. M. M., was stationed at Breckinridge, and
in 1863 he was mustered out of service. While stationed at Breckinridge he was
robbed (then living on a farm in Carroll county, near the Livingston line) and
to escape further robbery he went to Leavenworth, Kan., in the spring of 1864.
In December, 1864, he came back to Utica and re-established lime kilns and brick
yards, also contracting for buildings, etc., continuing to be thus occupied for
12 years. From 1861 to 1863 he had been interested in farming in Carroll county,
and this calling he now resumed. Up to 1885 he was employed in various business
enterprises but since then he has confined himself mainly to farming. In 1860 he
was married at St. Joseph to Miss Catherine Seitter, of Wurtemburg, Germany, her
father being an agriculturist of that country. Six of their fourteen children
survive: Mary, who married September 9, 1885, Alois J. Gier, then of
Chillicothe, but formerly of Germany; they reside at Hanover, Kan.; Caroline,
Lawrence, Bertha, Theresa and Joseph. Those deceased are Frank, Louisa, Louis,
Gerald, August, Catherine, Frowin and an infant. Mr. and Mrs. B. and their
children are members of the Catholic Church.
For more than twenty years and, indeed, up to 1883, Livingston county had
among her representative merchants none more worthy than Roderick M. Chittenden,
a man whose connection with mercantile life was only discontinued some three
years ago on account of ill-health. Upon his removal to this county in 1860 he
gave his attention first to farming, in which he met with good success, but
desiring to engage in merchandising he removed to Utica, and started a store,
and this he conducted as above stated. During all these years of active business
life he showed himself to be a man of energy and progressive spirit, and a
merchant of whom the community had no reason to feel ashamed. Since his
retirement he has been hardly less prominent in the general issues of the day
and the interests of those among whom he has made his home. Born at Watertown,
Jefferson county, N. Y., August 15, 1813, he came of honorable ancestry, his
father, T. C. Chittenden, of New York nativity, having represented his district
in Congress. He died when 78 years old in 1878. His worthy companion, formerly
Miss Susan Morrison, departed this life in 1874. Nine children were in their
family, of whom Roderick was the eldest, and from an early age he was a student
in the district schools of his native home, When 15 years old he commenced for
himself as check clerk on the steamboats plying the waters of the lakes, and for
16 years he continued this avocation. Subsequently he commenced merchandising at
Sackett's Harbor, and while here was he married, in 1838, to Miss Eunice E.
Drury, of Massachusetts, who died sometime afterwards, leaving one child, Eunice
E., now also deceased. After his wife's death Mr. Chittenden returned to
Watertown, continued merchandising, and two years later settled at Detroit,
after this following the lakes a portion of the time and also conducting an
insurance business. In 1860 he disposed of his interests in that city and came
to this county, where his career since has been noted. His second marriage
occurred in 1853, when Miss Didava Edwins, a native of Canada, became his wife.
Mr. Chittenden is a worthy member of the A. F. and A. M.
The ferry at this place, which Mr. Cooper now conducts, has only been
established since the spring of 1885, previous to that time his energies having
been directed in the channel of agricultural life. He had been brought up as a
farmer and made this occupation his principal calling until the date mentioned.
At this time he is a grower of fine horses and does something in the way of
farming, conducting his place according to advanced methods. He was the youngest
of twelve children born to Charles and Tabitha (Willis) Cooper, the former of
whom was a Virginian by birth, and by occupation a farmer; the latter died when
Greenville was an infant. Charles Cooper died in 1834, at the age of 68 years.
The subject of this sketch owes his nativity to Greenup county, Ky., where he
was born, August 23,1823. During his youth he attended the district schools in
that vicinity, and when 12 years old came to this county, where he has since
remained with one exception, from 1865 to 1867, which period was passed in the
territory of Montana. Mr. Cooper is also now engaged in the water service of the
Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. His marriage to Miss Margaret Campbell, like
himself, of Kentucky nativity, was consummated in 1844, but this union was
dissolved by the death of Mrs. Cooper in 1859. She left seven children, five of
whom survive: Albert, James B., Martha J., Ellen and Castaria. Elizabeth and an
infant are deceased. In 1862 Mr. Cooper was again married, Miss Jeannette
Walker, of Missouri, becoming his wife. They have seven children: Charles, John
W., Samuel, Tina, Claude, Glendon and Frank. Mr. Cooper's brother, Charles
Cooper, was brutally murdered during the war by a mob of Utica militia, who
fired upon him through the door of his house. Mr. Greenville Cooper was present
at the time and is certain of the names of at least two of this band of
murderers; they still reside in Utica. He is a citizen held in high esteem in
this portion of the community.
"With an equal scale
He weighs the affairs betwixt man and man;
He is not so soothed with adulation,
Nor moved with tears to wrest the course of justice
Into an unjust current to oppress the innocent;
Nor does he make the laws
Punish the man, but in the man the cause."
These words, written by one who is now among the foremost lawyers of the
State, describe most truly the even-handed justice administered in the court of
this honest and upright magistrate. Judge Davis is not unknown to the people of
this portion of Missouri, but in all the long years his life has been
conspicuous before the public not a shadow of distrust or suspicion of a wrong
act has fallen upon his name. His birth occurred near Martinsville, Clark
county, Ill., September 25, 1838, the son of Alexander Davis, a Kentuckian by
birth, and a farmer by occupation, born at Danville October 6, 1805. He is now
living in this county and is 81 years of age. October 10, 1827, he quarried Miss
Priscilla McKay, also of Kentucky nativity, who was born at Maysville November
1, 1810. Of their 15 children nine grew to maturity and seven still survive.
James M., the fifth child, accompanied his parents to this State in 1852. His
education has been commenced in the district schools of Illinois, and he
continued to attend the public schools here, his first teacher being Judge
Wallace, and the first school-house having the name of Fair Land. Many humorous
incidents concerning his school experiences might here be given, as related by
Judge Davis, if space would but permit. At Bedford, Mo., he began teaching,
though not then 20 years old; having a natural inclination to engage in legal
practice, he took up the study of law which he continued through 18 months of
teaching and during his spare hours at home. He also read in the office of
Luther T. Collier in Chillicothe and having stood an examination before Judge
Geo. W. Dunn, of the Fifth Judicial Circuit, in Carroll county, he was admitted
and enrolled as a practicing attorney. After drifting about some time Mr. Davis
settled at Utica in 1866, entering at once actively upon a career which has been
one of decided success and merit. In 1872 upon the adoption of the township
organization he was elected one of the 12 county judges, and in 1873 he was
elected town attorney, serving in this position four years. Then he was made
prosecuting attorney of the county, discharging these duties from 1878 to 1880,
in which latter year he was called to the official bench. His career as judge of
the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit has been one so well known to the citizens of
Livingston and surrounding counties that we feel it unnecessary to add any words
of commendation; to say he has done his duty expresses a truth which all will
support. Judge Davis was married October 18, 1863, at Wapello, Ia., to Miss
Servilla McKay, a cousin on the maternal side. Her father, James McKay, and wife
emigrated to Iowa (of which State she was a native) from Kentucky and there he
filled various official positions. Mrs. Davis was the third child in her
parents' family. Three children born of this marriage are living: Archie B.,
born June 29, 1870; Willie W., born March 9, 1872, and Servilla, born December
26, 1878. The Judge and wife are members of the M. E. Church at Utica.
It was in 1871 that Mr. Griffith commenced the manufacture of shaved pick-ax
and other handles at Gallatin, Mo., previous to which time he had made some
shaved handles; but to increase his efficiency he entered the noted factory of
Middleton & Co., at Gallatin, where he finished his trade, and where his
services became so valuable that he was taken into partnership in the
establishment under the firm name of Middleton, Cook & Griffith. After three
years at this place he removed to Utica and opened a similar factory, but in
1883, receiving an offer to manage the factory of T. E. Jackson, of Chillicothe,
he went there and remained for two years, during which time he superintended the
business and made all of the patterns used by it, besides turning out more
finished work than any three men in the establishment. In July, 1885, he started
his present factory at Utica, and here he now has a capacity for 100 dozen
handles monthly. His son, William G. Griffith, is associated with him and their
handles are everywhere celebrated for the excellent quality of the timber used
and also for the superiority of workmanship displayed. Mr. G. was born in
Harrison county, O., May 5, 1840, the son of Thomas and Millie I. (Wright)
Griffith, both also natives of Ohio. The father, of Welsh descent, is now living
Portland, Ore., at the age of 68; the mother, of German ancestry, died in 1866,
aged 43 years. William M., the second child in a family of 19 children, attended
school but a short time in his youth, beginning life as a farmer, but by self
application in later years he has become well informed. In 1863 he was married
to Miss Mary A. McAlister, then of Missouri, but formerly of Maryland. They have
eight children living: William G., Emma, Frank E., Nora, Samuel, Amos, Ethel and
Clarence. Mr. G. and wife are members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church of
Utica, and having arrived at his belief in the sanctity of the Sabbath, or
seventh day, by careful study and earnest thought, he keeps it holy in
preference to the generally observed Sunday. An earnest Christian and a man of
honor and truth, Mr. Griffith merits and retains the respect of all. His war
record was that of a brave and honorable man, one who did his duty to his
country and whose courage was tempered with magnanimity towards his foes. The
following recommendation is most highly prized by him: -
I take great pleasure in recommending William Griffith as a high-minded, honorable gentleman and true soldier. Would to God that we had more such men in our country.
William Hannah,
Lieutenant-Colonel 50th Illinois Infantry.
A glance at the notes from which this biographical sketch has been prepared
indicates at once that the military career of Mr. Musson formed one of the most
important epochs in his life's history. Therefore it is eminently fitting that a
brief outline, at least, of the part he took in the late Civil War should here
be given. At the time of the breaking out of hostilities he was attending
school, but laying aside his books he enlisted in the 2d New York heavy
artillery, was attached to the Army of the Potomac, and most of the time was
stationed at Washington, although he was with Grant on his Virginia campaign and
participated in the greater number of actions in which that gallant and now
honored hero was engaged. In 1864 he received an honorable discharge and then
returned to his home in the Empire State, where for a year he was occupied in
discharging certain duties upon his father's farm. In 1866 he came to this
county and settled near his present farm, to which he subsequently removed in
1869, and on this he has since remained. Here he has given his attention to its
management, interesting himself also in raising cattle and Poland-China hogs.
His farming operations are conducted in a manner which indicates the Eastern
agriculturist, and such Mr. M. may be considered, for he was born in Otsego
county, N. Y., August 6, 1839. His father, Daniel A. Musson, is still living in
New York State, and all his life has been a tiller of the soil. The maiden name
of Edwin's mother was Candace Donaldson, and originally of the same State. She
died when 44 years old in 1860. Edwin was the eldest of their four children, and
to the usual ordinary education which he received in the district schools he
added a course at the Gilbertsville Academy, which he left as before stated to
enter upon his career as a soldier. He has ever been an earnest advocate of
superior educational advantages for the youth of the day and now he is clerk of
the school board of district No. 5. In fact, he warmly supports all worthy
enterprises and movements. Mr. Musson was married December 3, 1867, to Miss
Carrie Harrington, of New York, a daughter of Elisha Harrington, a substantial
agriculturist of that State. She died in November, 1883. Mr. and Mrs. M. were
blessed with six children, five of whom survive: Harry, Agnes, Nina, George and
May. Daniel died in 1871 when four months old. Mr. Musson is a member of the A.
O. U. W. and Wadsworth Post No. 60, G. A. R.
Among the representative men of New England birth whose residence in
Livingston county have proved of benefit to their adopted home the name of Capt.
Stevens should not be omitted. A native of the town of Sheffield, Berkshire
county, Mass., he was born December 1, 1827, and has therefore now almost
reached the age of three score years. He was the sixth of eleven children born
of the marriage of Jonathan C. Stevens and Miss Roxana Dunhain. The former was a
son of Steven C. Stevens, a gallant Revolutionary soldier, whose death occurred
when he was 91 years old. Jonathan Stevens was a large farmer, merchant, and the
owner of grist and saw mills, and he, too, survived to a good old age, dying in
1877 when 84 years had rested upon him. Mrs. Roxana Stevens was originally of
Connecticut nativity, and she survived until the age of 87, dying in 1883. Young
Dennis in growing up was afforded such opportunities for acquiring an education
as could be obtained in the schools of his vicinity, and after discontinuing his
studies he learned the trade of a millwright, at which he worked for seven years
with one man. After this he commenced a calling for which he seemed to be by
nature especially fitted - the conducting of hotels, and for nearly thirty years
he was well known as the host of superior hostelries. He finally however entered
into the wagon business, and some years later entered a silk mill, from which he
resumed his farming operations. Purchasing a hotel which was being conducted by
the widow of a brother at Fulton, N. Y., he ran it until exchanging its contents
for his present property, to which he removed in 1874. Capt. Stevens has
occupied a position of esteem and respect among the people of this vicinity
since his location here, and for one term he was alderman of Utica. For some
time he was connected with the Utica grist mill, but in more recent years he has
made his home upon a farm, which is under good improvement. His enterprise while
here has led him to become well known. He has been twice married; in 1877, Miss
Cynthia A. Roath, daughter of Russell M. Roath, a substantial agriculturist of
Illinois, becoming his wife. One child, born of this union, survives, Dennis M.,
born February 2, 1882; another, Ashel D., born November 16, 1884, died December
3, 1884. By a previous marriage the Captain had two children: George D., born
November 22, 1857, is foreman of the Danbury Hat Company, of Danbury, Conn.;
Verrah, born September 26, 1851, died December 3, 1856.
One of the very earliest settlers on the present site of Utica, or, indeed,
in this vicinity, was Judge John Stone, and on this account, if for no other
reason, he is accorded a worthy mention at this place. He was born near
Lancaster, in Fairfield county, O., November 9, 1805, of Virginia parentage,
though from the age of three months he was reared in Licking county. Thomas
Stone, his father, of Prince William county, Va., died in Ohio in January, 1847,
aged 79 years, 10 months and 8 days; the mother, formerly Miss Barbara Wise, was
born in Maryland; her death occurred September 16, 1848, aged 79 years. John was
the tenth of twelve children, and is the only one now living. His limited
education was received in the State of his birth, and when 19 years old he
commenced farming, $18 per month being the salary which he received. When 22
years old he was married to Miss Susannah Stover, a Virginian by birth, and the
eighth child of thirteen children born to Samuel and Susannah Stover, nee Broomback.
When 24 years of age Mr. Stone obtained some real estate from his father and
remained upon this farm some three years, then selling out and exploring the
States of Indiana and Illinois. Settling in the latter locality, he resided
there for three years, and upon returning to Ohio, spent the winter and then
came on through Illinois to this county, his location being made where Utica now
is. His interaction had been to go to the Platte Purchase, but in this he was
discouraged by reports of parties returning from that section. This was in
August, 1837, and there were only two cabins on the present site of Utica. Soon
after his arrival he served against the Mormons in 1838, and to this day retains
a vivid recollection of the events that resulted in their expulsion from this
State. Early he was chosen justice of the peace and twice since then he has been
elected judge of the court of Livingston county, a position in which he
acquitted himself with universal satisfaction and credit. At the close of the
war, his children having reached an age where they were able to care for
themselves, Judge Stone retired from active business life, and has since been
living somewhat retired, enjoying to a boundless extent the veneration and
esteem due one whose life has been passed in such an upright manner. At the time
he conducted his extensive farming operations his estate embraced over 1,000
acres of rich land. A family of eight children blessed the union of the Judge
and wife, and all those now living have become well known and respected members
of society. Three are deceased: Flavius J., born April 14, 1830, died, in May,
1834; William H., born April 14, 1834, died in May, 1836, and David, born
December 11, 1836, died September 10, 1877. He married Miss Lucy Martin, who
survives him; they had one child, a son. Of the children living Samuel S., born
February 25, 1828, married Miss Josephine Mull, and now lives in California;
John C., born January 17, 1839, married Miss Eliza Harper, and they have three
boys; Ashford A., born December 19, 1840, married Miss Mary Hoythey, and they
have four girls; he has also been elected judge of the county court, and has
held other offices of a local nature; Susan M., born September 13, 1845, married
John McMillan, and they have had nine children, and Thomas B., born March 22,
1851, married Miss Ann Wadley. The Judge and wife and all of his family are
connected with the Baptist Church.
The sketch which immediately precedes this is that of Mr. Stone's father,
Judge John Stone, one of the most highly respected citizens that Livingston
county has ever had; and among the family of children which he has given to the
world there is none more deserving of success than he whose name heads this
sketch. John C. Stone is known to almost everybody in this vicinity, for he was
born at Utica January 17, 1839, and has continued to make his home here since
that, time, occupied in either agricultural pursuits or active business. After
he had acquired a good common schooling he began farming with his father and in
1860 took charge of the home farm, the senior Stone having retired from active
management of the place. Up to 1882 he continued to be so occupied but in March,
of that year, he and Dr. J. C. Waters opened a general store at Utica in which
Mr. Stone has since been interested, and besides this he continues to conduct
the farm, a portion of his land being rented. The position which this mercantile
establishment has taken is a sound, substantial one and its proprietors have
proven themselves to be men of such energy, perseverance and progressive spirit
that good results are bound to follow. Close attention to each detail of every
duty is doubtless one great secret of Mr. Stone's prosperity. He was united in
marriage with Miss Eliza Harper in 1866, whose father, John S. Harper, was one
of the earliest settlers in this portion of Missouri, and at present a resident
of Dade county. He is about 70 years of age; his wife was formerly Miss Juliet
A. Butts, a Virginian by nativity. Mrs. S. was the second child of her parents'
family and is the oldest now living. They have three sons: Charles H., born
October 2, 1867; Willie, born April 29, 1871, and Harry B., born March 19, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. Stone are members of the Baptist Church at Utica. He belongs to
Benevolence Lodge No. 170, A. F. and A. M., of Utica.
The occupation which Mr. Vanstane now follows has received his attention for
a number of years, and it is but the truth to say that in it he is thoroughly
posted and well informed. He owes his nativity to New York City, where he was
born July 28, 1845. W. Vanstane, his father, is still living, a resident of
Boston, Mass., and is now 72 years of age. William's mother, whose maiden name
was Frances Cunningham, of English descent, died when her son was a child. Of
their marriage (which occurred at Montreal) four children are now living,
William H. being the second. His education was acquired in Massachusetts, at the
public schools, which he attended until 12 years old, and at 21 years of age he
took up farming, which has since received his attention, and in this his success
has been made apparent. His residence in Missouri dates from March, 1866, the
date also of his discharge from the service of the United States Navy, which he
entered and in which he remained a year and a half, having enlisted at
Charles-town, Mass., on the frigate Ohio. Mr. Vanstane is a believer in the
raising of graded stock, and constantly follows out this belief in the growing
of his horses, cattle and hogs. To his present place he removed some four years
ago, previous to that time having been located a mile and a half southwest of
this farm. October 18, 1875, he was married to Miss Paulina G. Fortune, of Ray
county, Mo., and to them six children have been born: William A., Harvy E.,
Clarence L., Archie L., Bernice P. and Emma F. Mr. Vanstane is a member of
Hancock Post No. 60, G. A. R., at Dawn.
One of the very foremost among the professional and active business men of
Utica is acknowledged to be Dr. Waters, whose connection with several
establishments here, as well as a personal popularity almost unlimited, renders
him a representative citizen of Livingston county. On his father's side he is of
Irish ancestry, Joseph Waters (the father) having come originally from the Blue
Grass State. He died in Boone county, Mo., in 1865, when 63 years old, and
there, too, his worthy companion also departed this life, her maiden name having
been Miss Nancy Collins. She was born in this State and was 42 years old at the
time of her death in 1854. Young Joseph was the oldest of the five children
which were born to them, his natal day being January 23, 1848, and his
birthplace in Boone county, Mo. The educational advantages with which he was
favored were far above the average and were improved to the fullest extent. His
attendance at the common schools was supplemented with a course at the State
University at Columbia, and upon leaving college in 1868 he devoted himself
assiduously to the study of medicine, which he had commenced to read during his
last collegiate year under the preceptorship of Dr. A. W. McAlister. In 1869 he
went to St. Louis and entered the St. Louis Medical College, Dr. Hodgen,
a celebrated surgeon of that city, then being dean of the institution. After the
completion of his course at this college Dr. Waters commenced the practice of
his profession at Meadville, Linn county, also conducting a drug store at the
same place. Some ten years after he came to Utica and in the spring of 1881
opened out a drug store, resuming his practice. This has continued to be his
home up to the present time and the reputation which he has earned as a
thoroughly qualified physician and surgeon is well bestowed. He continues to
read carefully and continually, keeping apace with the advance of his science.
He is also a member of the mercantile firm of Waters & Stone, the largest of
the kind in the place, and the stock carried here is extensive and complete. The
Doctor is a member of the A. O. U. W. and the F. M. M. A. A. of Missouri. He was
married in 1873 to Miss Anna Harper, at the time a student of the Baptist Female
College at Columbia, and daughter of John S. Harper, an estimable citizen of
this county. They have five children living: (Clara, Horace, Walter, Julia,
Grover Cleveland and Joe, Jr, One of these is deceased. Dr. W. is the present
postmaster at Utica, his fidelity to his party being thus very properly
Mr. Webster is a newspaper man of long experience, his connection with his
present journal dating from January, 1877. This paper had been established some
four years before, in 1873, but its advance under its present able management
has been more noteworthy and rapid than formerly. At this time it is recognized
as a journal of decided merit, its editorials being written with a clearness and
force which indicates a writer of ability; while it has become very popular by
its consistent course and fearless advocacy of all measures which it esteems to
prove beneficial or detrimental, as the case may be, to the interests of the
county. Mr. Webster was the oldest but one of six children born to his parents,
Daniel and Mary Webster, whose maiden name was Emerson. They are both living,
the father in the eighty-eighth year of his age, and the mother 80 years old.
Four of their children also survive. D. W.'s birth occurred in Haverhill, Essex
county, Mass., in 1827. He was favored with unusual advantages for obtaining an
education, being a student in the common schools and academies of New England,
and subsequently he began life for himself as a teacher. Afterwards he followed
the mercantile business and since his residence in Missouri he has given
his attention to both teaching and newspaper publishing. On the 9th of August,
1853, Miss Ann A. Carleton became the wife of Mr. Webster, a lady originally
from Haverhill, Mass. This union has been blessed with three children: Harry C.,
now editor of the Chillicothe Evening Star, born in 1861, and two
daughters, Katie Agnes and Mary Jane. He is a worthy member of the
Congregational Church and also belongs to the A. O. U. W.
Since commencing in life for himself, Mr. Williams has divided his attention to two callings only, first as clerk in a mercantile establishment and then to the business which now receives his attention. He is a native born resident of the State, having been born in Ray county September 28, 1847, and after leaving the common schools, in which he acquired a good education, sufficient for all ordinary practical purposes, he began clerking in a dry goods and grocery house at Utica, an occupation which he continued for two years. But a desire to enter actively into agricultural life, led him to move on his present farm, where he has since been successfully occupied in its improvement and cultivation. He believes in the high grading of all classes of cattle and other stock, though he grows no fancy breeds. Mr. Williams' father, M. J. Williams, is a Kentuckian by birth, and in another portion of this work more extended mention is made of him. He was the father of nine children, and of these George E. was the second child. February 2, 1879, he was united in marriage at Camp Point, Adams county, Ill., with Miss Rebecca F. Carson, a daughter of a substantial tiller of the soil there, Mr. John Carson. Her mother's maiden name was Miss Nancy Curl, and Rebecca was the oldest of their three children. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have had three children: Johnnie M., born January 1, 1870; Harry E., born February 17, 1873, and Nellie A., born March 11, 1875. Himself and wife are members of the Utica Baptist Church.