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Livingston County History
Celebrating 150 Years, 1821-1981

Published by The Retired Senior Volunteer Program
reprinted by permission

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Interest in the formation of a Soil and Water Conservation District in Livingston County developed early in 1962. An organization meeting was held in Chillicothe, July 20. After petitions were approved, a hearing was held by the Missouri Soil and Water District Commission of December 11, 1962, followed by a referendum on January 26, 1963. Five hundred landowners and representatives voted in favor of the establishment of a Soil and Water Conservation District. Fifty-two opposed. At the same time, the following were elected to serve as Supervisors.

Area I, Jackson, Sampsel and Cream Ridge Townships - Virgil Mason

Area II, Medicine, Wheeling and Rich Hill Township - W. W. Lowe

Area III, Chillicothe, Grand River and Fairview Townships - Jerry Litton

Area IV, Mooresville, Monroe, Green and Blue Mound Townships - John Warren

On March 14, 1963, the Board of Supervisors was organized as follows:

Chairman -- Virgil Mason, Chillicothe

Vice Chairman Treasurer -- Jerry Litton, Chillicothe

Treasurer -- John Warren, Dawn

Member -- Wilmer Lowe, Wheeling

The Extension Director serves as Secretary to the Board. The term of office is four years.

The Livingston County Soil and Water Conservation District incorporates all of Livingston County.

The total land area is 341,320 acres. The Conservation District carries on its program by securing cooperation and assistance from other organizations, agencies and individuals. The district furnishes technical help to land-users in planning and applying conservation practices on their land.

The first SCS personnel assigned to the District was Warren George in 1968. Lowell E. Grimm transferred in 1964 and Hal Norwood in 1965. Lyle Noblitt replaced Warren George as District Conservationist in January 1966. Other farmers elected to the Board include: Area I, Merle Doughty; Area II, Melvin Littrell, W. C. Wombles, Voyle Grothe Area III, Everett Williams, Graham Alter; Area IV, David Gilliland, Charles Morse, Kent Mouser and Jay McVicker.

In 1972 the State Commission allocated each Conservation District money to hire a clerk part time. Valeta Jones was hired in September of 1972. Debbie Bowe replaced her in April 1976.

Extension personnel that served as secretary include Frank Miller, Hubert Headrick and Clem Koenig. Livingston District has served as a training location for the SCS, due to the varied conservation work being done. C. L. Carter, Gary Peterson, William Gilliland, Rex Moore, Diane Reinhardt, Ted Utz, Unja Martin, Darrell Shiply and Shelly Emmons all trained or worked part-time in the Livingston Conservation District. The Goal of the District is to use every acre within its capability and treat it according to its needs.

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